Karunaseva Seattle September 2014
Karunaseva Seattle September 2013
Seattle Satsang successfully finished our Karunaseva meal serving project on Thursday September 26th. The Seattle Tent city 3 is pleased to see us and from now on, we are serving meals every 3rd Thursday of each month for them.
We took up on this seva and Seattle Satsang group is proud with Amma’s blessings to continue doing this seva.
Special thanks to Dahlia Ganzon, Orion Hughes and Venufor helping and serving food for friendly family of Amma. Jai Karunamayi always!!
Karunaseva August Seattle 2013
Seattle Satsang was at seva with Tent City Seattle TC3 at St. Mark’s Cathedral on Saturday, August 10, 2013. Mr. Orion Hughes, our project coordinator, helped us understand how these people are on the edge of not knowing where they will be and whether or not they will be eating the next meal.
So, we took on Karunaseva with all the permits and served the meals and provided lots of fruit and drinking water. These people were highly appreciative and thankful in return. We look forward to continuing this seva with our beloved Amma’s grace and blessing.